I forgot to bring my camera to the library itself to take a picture, but that's okay since none of you really care anyway. It was a typical small library branch, but nice enough for something in the neighborhood. One of these days I plan to go down to the main library and check it out. According to Ellis, Charles Bukowski used to go there when he was homeless. I would say that he made that up to lure me out of the house to actually go there, except Ellis doesn't know me that well and if he did he would have picked another literary figure (not that I can think of many off the top of my head that have lived in LA for any length of time, but that might just be my own bias showing).
As you can see, I picked a good Los Angeles book for my first book ever taken out with my Los Angeles library card. In my mind, Francesca Lia Block is the ultimate LA writer. I was even going to write a post about how Weetzie Bat is basically my only frame of reference for understanding things in LA, but I couldn't be bothered to dig through all my boxes for the books to quote from and then I just forgot. But for the one other person who reads this and has practically memorized the Weetzie Bat books from cover to cover like I have (hi Maryann!), you know how Weetzie thinks the Beverly Center is ugly and laments the fact that they put it up where Kiddie Land used to be? Yeah, I went there and it's pretty much the most hideous building I've ever had the misfortune to lay eyes upon, including the De Young. In fact, now that I think of it, I actually kind of miss the De Young, which is a sure sign that I'm going mad due to homesickness.
Anyway, I'm at a coffee shop right now in an attempt to fool myself into thinking I'm being productive. (Then again, it's also possible that I was already being productive but just don't feel like it counts if I'm wearing pajamas...) The last week or so has been pretty lame, but I think things are looking up again. I just got some GOOD NEWS!, but if you want to know what it is you're going to have to call or Facebook me because I don't want to post it on here and have it be searchable. I promise this is not just a ploy to get people to talk to me. Okay, maybe a little. Anyway, let's just say I got an interview for a program I applied for a while back. If that doesn't ring a bell then clearly you need to call me anyway because we haven't talked for hella days.