
5. Irene Sabatini: The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door, Irene Sabatini

Sceptre UK, 403 pages, 2009

I grabbed this in Kinokuniya when I was in Tokyo, feeling that I should be reading A) more recent novels (stay up with the current trends and all that), and B) more non-Western and especially African novels. Despite being a lifelong bookworm, the vast majority of the books I've read have been from American or European authors, with a few popular representatives from Latin America (Isabel Allende and Gabriel Garcia Marquez) and Asia (Haruki Murakami). I don't think I've ever read a single African author.

The Boy Next Door wasn't amazing, but it was enjoyable enough. It reminded me of early Isabel Allende: plucky heroine finds love against a backdrop of political unrest. I did find it hard to understand a lot of the Zimbabwean slang and political references (though that may have had something to do with the fact that I read a big chunk of it on the train on the way back from midyear seminar, when I was absolutely bushed).

Something else worth noting: the cover. It's no secret that publishing companies are weird about putting non-white faces on book covers (recent example: Justine Larbalestier's Liar), so in a way this cover is exceptional. Not much else to say there; just wanted to point it out.

Next up: Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence


  1. Have you already plan a string of books you are going to read? I'll be keeping at eye on your blog, since I hardly know any oriental critics. What sort of genre of books are you focusing on?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Btw, is that cappuccino or mocha there?
