
今日の単語: できちゃった婚

I haven't done this in a while, but the new word I learned yesterday is way too good to not do a post about. I just had my first private lesson with one of the teachers from our Tuesday group lessons. It was pretty much just girl talk in Japanese for an hour with her occasionally pointing out my grammatical errors or teaching me new words. It was like therapy and a Japanese lesson rolled in one. All for just 800 yen! Best deal in town.

Word: できちゃった婚 dekichatta-kon
Meaning: shotgun wedding

できる is a verb that usually expresses possibility (I can do something), but also sometimes means that something was made or created (for example a building, or in this case a baby). ちゃう is a verb ending that means you accidentally did something which you regret; it kind of imbues the verb with a general sense of "oops." 婚 is from 結婚, "wedding." I am sure you can work the rest out for yourself.